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How to choose the best IIT JEE and NEET Coaching

by PW Gulf
September 9, 2023

Lakhs of students must compete in qualifying competitive exams to gain admission to India's top engineering and medical colleges. We have discussed important factors to consider when choosing the Best Coaching Institute for IIT JEE / NEET exam preparation.

Class 10th and 12th board results 2023 will take place soon, and students can now choose a stream from Science, Commerce, or Arts for Class 11th. Students who choose Science after Class 10th must choose between a medical stream with subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and Biology or a non-medical stream with subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Students studying non-medical subjects can pursue engineering courses after the 12th, whereas students studying medical subjects can pursue MBBS and BDS courses after the 12th.

To pursue these courses, students must take entrance exams such as IIT JEE for engineering and NEET for medical. However, it is not as simple as it appears; lakhs of students must compete against one another in order to qualify for admission to India's top engineering and medical colleges.

Important Points for Selecting the Best Coaching to Prepare for IIT JEE / NEET Exams 

Students now use coaching centres to assist them to pass the JEE and NEET exams. In this post, we've outlined key factors to take into account when choosing the best coaching institutes to help you prepare for these competitive exams:

1. Track record of the coaching institute:

When preparing for entrance exams such as IIT JEE and NEET, students should look into the track record of the coaching institute they want to join. Students can consider the following points in this regard:

  • Students' Feedback – solicit feedback from students who have attended the coaching institute. Refer to the testimonials and also ask students in person about the institute's facilities and quality of learning.
  • Competitive Exam Success Rate – Cross-check the coaching institute's success rate in competitive exams because it will help you understand what efforts and facilities you will receive to achieve your goals.
  • Toppers Rank and Record – Take into account the coaching institutes' students' percentages and ranks in competitive exams. How many of the coaching institute's students have achieved All India Ranks in the JEE or NEET?

2. Faculty support:

Faculty members or coaching teachers will be guiding students as they prepare for competitive examinations. A good coaching institute will have highly experienced teachers who will train students on the test pattern, syllabus, and so on. They also teach students how to solve questions quickly and accurately in order to get the highest possible grade. They provide highly researched study material and sample papers, as well as regular mock tests to students.

3. Coaching fees:

Without a doubt, quality comes at a price. However, new coaching institutes are being established on a regular basis due to increased competition and demand. These institutes entice aspirants by providing coaching packages that no other coaching institute provides. Furthermore, some coaching institutes offer scholarships to students who are academically gifted but lack financial resources. In this manner, they capture the attention of the aspirants, and many students flock to take advantage of all such amenities. As a result, students should double-check the fee structure of the coaching institutes they intend to attend. They should also compare it to other coaching institutes, including the study material.

4. Selection procedure and test:

Students should inquire about the testing facilities before enrolling in the coaching Institute. They can think about the following issues:

  • How frequently do the selection tests occur?
  • What are the different levels of testing?
  • What services are available at the testing centres? If the location is different or the tests will take place on the premises of the coaching institutes.
  • Is the test based on real-time test experience?
  • How do these tests rank the students?
  • How does management contribute to the advancement of the ranks?
  • What services are available to students who perform poorly on weekly or monthly tests? Are they given extra classes to help them improve?
  • Is it possible to get feedback from students through discussion classes?

5. Hostel and security facilities:

To prepare for such competitive examinations, students require an environment in which they can study without distractions. As a result, most coaching institutes provide students with hostel accommodations so that they can stay only at the coaching institute. However, before deciding on a coaching institute, students should consider other amenities such as food and security at the hostels.

Students can therefore think about the following from the points above:

  • History of the Institute
  • A higher standard of instruction will improve learning
  • Costs charged by the coaching facility
  • Facilities for tests
  • accommodation and security system

5 Characteristics of Extremely Useful JEE and NEET Coaching Institutions

Here are the top five reasons why students leave a coaching institute dissatisfied:

  1. The coaching institute does not understand a student's learning pace.
  2. A coaching institute does not tell a student how to improve his or her individual performance.
  3. The best teachers are only available to the top batches at coaching institutes.
  4. Personal counselling is not provided by coaching institutes in addition to the course.
  5. Coaching institute is not what it appears to be; it manipulates results.

The opposite of each of these would be a good indication of a coaching provider who offers truly valuable coaching. These are five red flags against low-value coaching institutes.

So, here are below our top five indicators or traits of a highly valuable coaching institute.

  1. A great coaching provider understands a student's psychology: Every student has a unique learning style. Some of them are quick learners, while others take their time. Some students dislike studying in groups and prefer one-on-one instruction. A great coaching institute recognises the student's personality quickly and can change the teaching style and methods.
  2. A great coaching provider evaluates a student's individual performance: With an average of 100-120 students in a batch at a top coaching institute, the only way to judge a student's performance is through weekly or monthly tests. And its judgment on the basis of the performance solely on the basis of marks, however, with no consideration given to other factors that may be impeding the student's performance.

Every student's performance is constantly monitored by a high-value coaching provider. It identifies areas where a student needs to improve and communicates this to parents. The coaching provider then makes suggestions for improvement and, with parental support, attempts to improve the student's performance.

  1. A great coaching provider does not make any distinctions between its students: Top batches are available at every major coaching institute. Students who perform well get placements in top batches and have access to the best faculty and resources. They are the most likely to pass the JEE and NEET exams. Students who excel in lower batches may get promotion to the top batches.

Is this a proper method of providing coaching? How can you call yourself a great coaching institute if you don't allow lower-batch students to learn alongside top-batch students? If they are not paying less, why can't they get the best teachers? A great coaching provider does not discriminate between its students.

  1. Personal counselling is available by a great coaching institute to its students: Students may encounter a variety of issues, not all of which are academic in nature. It's not uncommon to feel depressed after experiencing the stress and anxiety of exams.

There may be incidents of bullying and problems outside of coaching that is causing them problems of depression. These factors are critical because they can sometimes force a student to take unwise actions.

It is critical to take care of students' behaviour on a regular basis. He/she is getting good grades, but is there something a student is keeping from others? A great coaching provider is always available to assist its students in resolving issues.

  1. A great coaching provider has high ethical standards: Every year after the IIT-JEE and NEET results, there are hoardings and banners of coaching institutes showing successful results to attract new students. The coaching industry is expanding, and so is the competition; every institute wants to outperform the others, which is why some of them engage in deceptive practices.

Half of the top ten results for [Name Removed] coaching institute in 2015 were in the "distance" category, indicating that they did not attend the institute's regular classes. Ironically, all five of these students were regular classroom students at another institute. Not illegal, but we believe they attempted to deceive students and parents by claiming results that belonged to another institute. It's all about ethics.


We have now completed the blog; How to Choose the Best IIT JEE / NEET Preparation Coaching. As a result, after reading the blog above, students can consider the following. A brief history of the institutes. Education that is more effective will improve learning. charges made by the coaching facility. places to do testing. security system and accommodations. Last but not least, visit several coaching institutes and thoroughly evaluate their faculty and all other aspects before deciding on the best coaching for your IIT JEE / NEET Exam Preparation.

To summarize, we hope that these important points for Choosing the Best Coaching to Prepare for IIT JEE / NEET Exams have been helpful and have provided you with all of the information you need to ace these competitive exams with high marks.

We sincerely hope you have enjoyed and learned from this blog. You can also go to Physiwallah's website to find out more about IIT JEE / NEET Coaching Classes and detailed information on IIT JEE / NEET exam courses. Physics Wallah Live affordable classes provide state-of-the-art learning experiences by top faculties who will conduct classes with the most up-to-date syllabus for the session 2022-23 and provide solutions and solve doubts using best-in-class doubt engines.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Which NEET and JEE coaching is the best?

Ans. Physics Wallah, With over 15000 PWians passing the JEE, NEET, and NDA exams, we have achieved the best results in the market. One in every five JEE and NEET candidates, and one in every six NDA candidates, were PWians.

Physics Wallah Live affordable classes provide state-of-the-art learning experiences by top faculties who will conduct classes with the most up-to-date syllabus for the session 2022-23 and provide solutions and solve doubts using best-in-class doubt engines.

Q2. Can I pass the NEET with JEE coaching?

Ans. Yes. A student can study for both the IIT and the NEET at the same time. It's all about hard work and time management here. The ability to focus, be on guard, and work hard are requirements for passing both tests.

Q3. Is it necessary to take NEET and JEE coaching?

Ans. Can I pass the NEET without coaching? You certainly can. As long as students put in the work and attention, they can pass the NEET exam from home. But with the correct advice from professionals, it becomes much simpler.

Q4. Can an average student get into IIT?

Ans. Even a weak or average student can pass IIT with the right preparation strategy, frequent study routine, effective time management, and good coaching, all these things with a positive mindset.

Q5. What qualities do students seek in a coach?

Ans. A good coach is enthusiastic, supportive, trustworthy, focused, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, observant, respectful, patient, and a good communicator.

Q6. What is good coaching?

Ans. A successful coach is a motivator who has a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the sport and the athletes. A coach who can motivate can instil in their athletes the desire to succeed. A good coach emphasizes performance goals over outcome goals when motivating a player.

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